Episode 2: My Aim is True Side A (w/ Aaron Bratys)

Welcome to Episode 2 of Season One of Beyond Believers, listen as we discuss the first of the 45 years young debut album of Elvis Costello, “My Aim is Tue.” Joining Pat is the Cleveland-born, Columbus-raised Aaron Bratys. Aaron is a writer, music fan, bag piper, and a truly hilarious guest. Look for his album of the year write-up on “Little Green House” by Anxious on the “Indieheads” subreddit, dropping on December 13th.

Over the course of their discussion Aaron and Pat consider such questions as: How raunchy is each track? Is a Costello classic secretly a murder ballad? And whether this album is about insiders looking out or outsiders looking in?

Listen on, and if ya feel it, enjoy it!


Episode 3: My Aim Is True Side B (w/ Aaron Bratys)


Episode 1: An Introduction To Elvis Costello